This article will provide a suggested module that will contain resources that most end users will find helpful in learning the tool.
- It is helpful to inform end users of the overall purpose to the tool and what this is supposed to accomplish. We suggest showing a brief video or presentation that provides a quick introduction to the Outcomes platform. It can also help if the campus provides a brief introduction to the plan or project that the Outcomes platform is supposed to assist.
- Create a training module from the Outcomes Support Page resources. You can pull together all of the relevant information in the form of videos and articles.
- Make multiple guides for different audiences. Be specific in your creation. Introduce users to the tool and then expose them to the exact information they need. Showing functions and options that users will not use can lead to confusion.
- Encourage campus members to save these modules as they can also act as reference and support material in the future if guidance is needed again.
The End User Training Module below was created for a specific audience. These users need an introduction into the Outcomes platform. This user group will need to log into Outcomes and enter assessment data and results. This group will need to attach examples of best work to the assessment in the Outcomes tool. They will be entering results using the Individual Student Score Option and not using the other options.
Topic | Resource | |
Short Video | |
Logging into Outcomes | Article | |
Navigating the Outcomes Platform | Article | |
Filling Out Templates | Video | |
Adding Attachment to an Assessment | Article | |
Entering Individual Student Scores | Article, Video | |
Creating and Using Thresholds | Article Video |
The End User Training Module below was created for Department Chairs. These users will have Administrator Permissions. They will need to be able to enter their Program Learning Outcomes and Connect them to department courses using assigned connections. These users will also need to be able to interpret and use the Curriculum Map and Taxonomy Map data visualizations.
Topic | Resource |
Outcomes Overview | Short Video |
Logging into Outcomes | Article |
Navigating the Outcomes Platform | Article |
Writing a Learning Outcome | Article, Video |
Creating Assigned Connections | Article, Video |
Understanding Assignment Chains | Article |
Connect Units Up | Article, Video |
Editing Connections | Article |
Understanding the Taxonomy Report | Article, Video |
Understanding the Curriculum Map | Article, Video |