You can delete both related or assigned connections.  This article will provide direction on how to delete both types of connections.

Deleting Assigned Connections

You can delete assigned connections in two ways.  Please note, when assigning connections the learning outcome and assessment data is associated with the learning outcome statement.  If you Delete an assigned connection, this act will remove the learning outcomes statement, assessment data, and assessment results from the unis lower down on the assignment chain.  

Remove All

If you navigate to the appropriate organizational unit and open the learning outcome, you will be able to click on the Remove All button.  

  • In this example, I have navigated to the College of Business and selected the Quantitative Reasoning learning outcome.  


After selecting Remove All, a prompt will appear.  Read the prompt and if you still want to remove the connection, check the confirmation box and select Remove.

  • Connections have been made from the College of Business to the Economics Department and the course Economics 210 for the learning outcome Quantitative Reasoning.  Removing the Connections at the College of Business will remove the Connections to the Economics Department and the course Economics 210.


Removing assigned connections in this way will remove all connections made from this organizational unit for this learning outcomes.  It will also delete any assessments and assessment results that have been entered at those organizational units as well. 

Edit Connections

You can also delete connections by navigating back to the Connections Window through the Edit Connections option.  See this article for help on how to Edit Connections.

Once you have reopened the Connections Window through the Edit Connections option, you can remove connections from this window.

  • In the following example, the learning outcome Quantitative Reasoning has been assigned from Academic Affairs to the College of Business to the Economics Department to the course Economics 210.  I am editing the Connections at the College of Business level.

If you select the negative sign next to an organization on the left-side chart, this will remove the connection to the Organizational Unit and any child unit.  

  • In this example, if I select the Negative Sign button next to the Economics Department, this will remove the Connection from the College of Business to the Economic Department as well as the Connection from the Economic Department to the course Economics 210. 


Don't forget to Save any changes that you make. 

If you select the Remove button on the right side of the page next to a specific assignment chain, you will remove the last assignment in the assignment chain.  Each time you select the button, the last Connection in the assignment chain will be deleted.  

  • In this example, if I select the Remove button, the Connection from the Economics Department to the course Economics 210 will be deleted.


You will see a corresponding change in assignment chain.


  • In this example, if I select the Remove button again, it will remove the Connection from the College of Business to the Economics Department.  

If you want the remove the entire assignment chain, selecting the Remove All button on the right side of your screen will remove all Connections made from current organizational unit to other organizational units and all of their subsequent child units where connections were made for the learning outcome Quantitative Reasoning.  

  • In this example, selecting Remove All will delete the Connections between the College of Business and the Economics department for the learning outcome Quantitative Reasoning as well as the Connection between the Economics Department and the course Economics 210.  


Don't forget to Save any changes that you make.  

Deleting Related Connections

Deleting related connections occurs in a similar fashion.  You can open the learning outcome at the appropriate level and use the Remove All button to remove any related connections.  Removing connections in this way will remove all related connections made from this organizational unit for this learning outcomes.  It will also delete any assessments and assessment results that have been entered at those organizational units as well. 


You may also remove Related Connections by selecting the Edit Connections button and selecting either Remove Connection to remove an individual connection or Remove All to remove all related connections in the Related Preview Window.


Don't forget to save any changes that you make by clicking Submit.


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