This article will serve to provide a general overview of the Required Core Data files and their impact in the Outcomes product for non-technical users. This is not meant to be guide for Data Managers in the construction of files. Please see our Technical Resources for further help and guidance. The Outcomes platform requires several Core Data Files. These files are required for the Outcomes platform to function. The required files are:
- Accounts
- Organizational Units
- Academic Term
Core Data Files are also required by the following Campus Labs Platforms: Course Evaluations. If you are, or will be using both products, please contact your Campus Labs Consultant to discuss the best to develop the files to meet the needs of multiple platforms.
Accounts File
The Accounts File import is the most basic information that the platform requires to identify a user and tie information to them. In Outcomes, users will need to be in the Accounts file to gain access to the platform. Faculty, staff and administrators can then be assigned permissions in Outcomes to gain access to different reports and responsibilities in the platform. The Accounts File is also required by the following Campus Labs Platforms: Planning, Course Evaluations
Core Data File View
Platform View
The user is now available to select and assign permission in the Permissions Settings area of Outcomes.
Accounts File Technical Resources
Organizational Units File
The Organizational Units File import, sometime referred to as the Organizational Chart, is used to create the structure of your institution in the Outcomes platform. These organizational units, possibly along with Courses and Sections, establish all the possible data collection and reporting options in Outcomes. The Organizational Units File creates an organizational hierarchy through which data will be aggregated to produce different reports. Organizational units need to be set up properly to allow data to flow where it needs to go and meet your reporting needs. See the Organizational Units File support article for more information specific to the organizational structure’s effects on reporting and please discuss your Organizational Chart set up with your Campus Labs Consultant.
Once imported, you cannot delete organizational units but you can make changes or additions to your organizational chart although it is important to try and get the Organizational Chart as correct as possible before importing. Please see our Organizational Units support article for instructions on making changes to your organizational chart. The Organizational Units File is also required by the following Campus Labs Platforms: Course Evaluations. If you are, or will be using both products, please contact your Campus Labs Consultant to discuss the best to develop the file to meet the needs of multiple platforms.
Core Data File View
Platform View
The Organizational Chart above shows the navigational representation of the Organizational Units File.
The Organizational Units also appear as options to create Connections to. They can now be used to develop the data aggregation and reporting functions. Please reach out to your Campus Labs Consultant to develop an Organizational Chart that will meet your reporting needs.
Organizational Units File Technical Resources.
Academic Terms File
The Academic Terms File import is used to create the structure of a campuses annual schedule within the Outcomes platform. The Academic Team is the base unit in which organizational charts, courses, sections, connections, and learning outcomes are housed. The Academic Terms File is also required by the following Campus Labs Platforms: Course Evaluations. If you are, or will be using both products, please contact your Consultant to discuss the best to develop the file to meet the needs of multiple platforms.
Core Data File View
Platform View
The academic year now appears as a navigational year in the Terms dropdown menu.
The semesters also appear as options in which to measure learning outcomes.