Email Notifications

Institutions have the option to enable auto-generated email reminders and notifications for users of the Outcomes application. Only users that have permission as either an administrator or creator of an organizational unit, program, course or section will receive email reminders. Assignment notifications and reminders can easily be turned on or off by simply checking the corresponding box.

Site administrators can enable these features by navigating to the settings area and then general settings.

Assignment Notifications

Once assignment notifications have been enabled, users that have permissions as either an administrator or creator of an organizational unit, program, course or section will begin receiving email notifications when a connection has been made. This is an "all or nothing" feature in that all users with the specified permissions will receive these notifications if turned on. This feature will remain active until it is turned off and will continue to send email notifications to users every time a connection is made to the unit they are a user for in that specific academic year. 

Email Reminders

In a similar fashion, email reminders are an "all or nothing" feature. However, unlike assignment notifications, email reminders have another layer of granularity as it relates to their use in academic terms. To turn email reminders off for a specific term, simply uncheck its corresponding box. When reminders are enabled, site administrators will need to choose a date for the reminder email to be sent. Site administrators also have the option of sending multiple reminder emails in each term.

Upon setting up a reminder for a given term, in this example one is scheduled to go out for the Fall 2016 term on 11/28/2016. If after the 28th we would like to schedule a second reminder for the end of the term, simply choose the new date from the date picker. It is important to note that all emails are done in batch form and are sent at 12am est. This means that when faculty or staff log into their campus email on the 28th a reminder email will be waiting for them first thing in the morning. Site administrators may also choose to send a test notification to ensure that everything is functioning correctly by clicking the "Send Test Notification" button. This will send a notification to the email of the user that is logged and setting up the notifications.

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