This article will provide directions on how to create assigned connections in Outcomes. There are two types of connection: Assigned and Related. The process for creation is slightly different for each one. To learn how to make related connections, please navigate to the Creating Related Connections support article.
The steps discussed below represent best practice and are the recommended process to use to make assigned connections in Outcomes.
Please note, if you are assigning learning outcomes to a unit through an Academic Program, there is a modified connections process. Please see the article on Connections in Academic Programs.
Making Assigned Connections
Select and click on the appropriate learning outcome that you want to measure.
- In this example, I am going to measure ILO 1 Quantitative Reasoning for Academic Affairs.
Select the appropriate term in which you want to conduct the assessment and measurement. You can also do this in the term drop down menu.
- In this example, I am measuring ILO 1 in the Spring 2016 term.
Select Connection and select Assign assessment to other unit(s).
From the Connections Window, you may select the appropriate organizational unit(s) by selecting the Plus Sign next to the organizational unit(s). You may assign the connection to any unit(s) nested below your organization or any of their child units. Any selected unit(s) will appear in the Assigned Unit/Courses Area.
- In this example, I created an assigned Connection for ILO 1 from Academic Affairs to the College of Business.
Once a Connection has been assigned, you may stay in the Connections Window and keep assigning the outcome down the organizational chart until the assignment chain is completed to the desired locations where you would like to stop.
- In this example, I continued assigning ILO 1 from the College of Business to the Economics Department. I did this by staying in the same Connections Window, opening the College of Business, and selecting the Economics Department.
- I then further assigned the Connection down to the course Economics 210.
The assignment chain will show the path along which you have assigned the connection.
- In this example, I never left the Connections Window from Academic Affairs. The assignment chain shows that from Academic Affairs, I assigned the Connection down to the College of Business then to the Economic Department and then to Economics 210.
Once you have assigned the connection down to the proper level where you want to stop or then enter data, you will need to save the assignment chain by clicking Save button.
* Please note, you will also need to do this if you assign the connection to an Academic Program and you want to create connections through the Academic Program to courses or if you plan to complete the assessment with a related connection.
Conduct Assessment
To conduct the assessment you will then need to navigate to the organizational unit, course, or section using the organizational chart. In the Organizational Chart, navigate to the organizational unit where you will be conducting the assessment and select the learning outcome from the Pending Connections tab in the Context Panel.
- In this example, I have navigated to the course Economics 210 in the organizational chart. I have identified the learning outcome Quantitative Reasoning. I will click the outcome.
Select the Assessment option to move to the assessment template.
- In this example, I will select the Assessment option to fill out the assessment template. Once that is completed, I will be able to enter results in the results template.
Fill out the Assessment Template and the Results Template to populate the outcome with data. If you want to relate the Connection, please see out resource on related connections.
Create Related Connections
If you are going to complete the assessment through a related connection, please navigate to the Creating Related Connections support article.